Photos of Companies

Collection Villgrater Natur
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Based on his taking charge of the parents‘ mountain homestead and the decision pro sheepfarming in the mid-1980s, Josef Schett founded the companies „Villgrater Frischlamm“ in 1986 and„Villgrater Natur Produkte“ in 1991. Above all, the focus became the production of sheep new wool form at tresses and bedding. In 2007 the new Villgrater Natur Haus opened in Innervillgraten/East Tyrol – representating a place of excursions as well as a shop for locals and tourists. Nowadays, one third of Austrian sheep wool is handled by this company.

Collection Kuntner Keramik
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Rich in tradition, the crafts company Kuntner Keramik/Bruneck – Brunico produces hand-made stoves since the late 18th century. You can order out of 100 different tile models of all styles – from Gothic to the Modern Age. In-house mixed potter’s clay as well as exclusive raw material guarantee quality. This can also be shown via historic photographs of the workflow.